infant room (6 weeks - 18 months)

Welcome to the Infant Room at Joy Childcare

where the adventure begins! 

Research has shown that a child’s first five years play an important role in their brain development.  These early years provide the best opportunity for building a solid foundation for their success in school and in life.  Our goal is to support each child in developing socially, emotionally, physically, in their language development, and in their thinking and problem solving skills.  To help foster this development, we use the Creative Curriculum® in creating lesson plans, classroom set-up, and performing assessments. 


Outside of the classroom is a small bulletin board where you will find a copy of the weekly lesson plan, the classroom newsletter, the daily schedule, teacher hours, and primary caregiver list.


Parent and teacher communication plays a key role in children’s success.  One means of communication is through our Daily Sheet.  Each day upon arrival, the person dropping off will complete the top portion of the daily sheet which gives information as to the child’s last feeding, most recent diaper change, etc.  On the bottom half, the teacher will document diaper changes, feedings, naps, and any other special information for that day.  Each child’s care is individualized to meet their specific needs and schedule.

*infants, 7:00 am - 4:30 pm


Infant Room: Supply List


  • Weather appropriate spare clothing (shirt, pants, socks)***
  • Diapers***
  • Wipes***
  • Bottles with already prepared formula or breast milk
- Formula bottles must be labeled with the child’s name and the date of preparation
- Breast milk bottles must be labeled with the child’s name, the date, and the date it was expressed

*Please be sure to send enough bottles for the entire day
  • empty sippy cups for children over one year of age
  • Infant cereal, jar food, and/or infant snacks when age appropriate. 
  • Empty bowls
  • Infant spoons
  • Supply of bibs
  • Pacifier or other security item
  • Pillow and blanket for children 16 months and older who are in the process of transitioning to a cot
  • 4x6 family photo for our classroom tree

*** Each child is required by state licensing to have a complete set of spare clothing, diapers, and wipes at the Center each day.  If any of these items are missing, parents will be notified.  If after being notified, the required supplies are not brought in, the child(ren) will not be permitted to stay.

orange room (18 months - 30 months)

Welcome to the Orange Room at Joy Childcare, where exploration and discovery lead to a newfound independence while mastering emerging milestones!

Research has shown that a child’s first five years play an important role in their brain development.  These early years provide the best opportunity for building a solid foundation for their success in school and in life.  Our goal is to support each child in developing socially, emotionally, physically, in their language development, and in their thinking and problem solving skills.  To help foster this development, we use the Creative Curriculum® in creating lesson plans, classroom set-up, and performing assessments.


Outside of the classroom is a small bulletin board where you will find a copy of the weekly lesson plan, the classroom newsletter, the daily schedule, and the teacher’s hours.  Also located outside of the classroom is a dry erase board where the teacher writes down highlights from the day to share with the families.  Weather permitting, the children participate in outdoor experiences on a daily basis.  If the weather does not permit, the children participate in large motor activities in our Muscle Room, located indoors.


Parent and teacher communication plays a key role in children’s success.  One means of communication is through our Daily Sheet.  Each day, the teacher will document diaper changes/bathroom uses, how much the child ate during snacks and lunch, how long they napped, and any other special information for that day. 

*toddlers, 7:00 am - 5:00 pm

Orange Room: Supply List


  • Weather appropriate spare clothing (shirt, pants,2 pair of underwear, socks)***
  • Diapers***
  • Wipes***
  • Reusable bag (non-plastic)
  • 3 empty sippy cups (for those transitioning to a regular cup)


  • Pacifier or other security item
  • Pillow and blanket for rest time
  • 4x6 family photo for our classroom tree

*** Each child is required by state licensing to have a complete set of spare clothing, diapers, and wipes at the Center each day.  If any of these items are missing, parents will be notified.  If after being notified, the required supplies are not brought in, the child(ren) will not be permitted to stay

yellow room (Young Preschool)

Welcome to the Yellow Room at Joy Childcare, where hands-on learning and fun provide children with the early tools they need for preschool success! 

Research has shown that a child’s first five years play an important role in their brain development.  These early years provide the best opportunity for building a solid foundation for their success in school and in life.  Our goal is to support each child in developing socially, emotionally, physically, in their language development, and in their thinking and problem solving skills.  To help foster this development, we use the Creative Curriculum® in creating lesson plans, classroom set-up, and performing assessments.


Outside of the classroom is a small bulletin board where you will find a copy of the weekly lesson plan, the classroom newsletter, the daily schedule, and the teacher’s hours.  Also located outside of the classroom is a dry erase board where the teacher writes down highlights from the day to share with the families.  Weather permitting, the children participate in outdoor experiences on a daily basis.  If the weather does not permit, the children participate in large motor activities in our Muscle Room, located indoors.


Parent and teacher communication plays a key role in children’s success.  One means of communication is through our Daily Sheet.  Each day, the teacher will document diaper changes/bathroom uses, how much the child ate during snacks and lunch, how long they napped, and any other special information for that day.   


Yellow Room: Supply List


  • Weather appropriate spare clothing (shirt, pants, 2 pair of underwear, socks)***
  • Diapers***
  • Wipes***
  • Backpack or Reusable bag (non-plastic)
  • Pillow and blanket for rest time
  • 4x6 family photo for our classroom tree

*** Each child is required by state licensing to have a complete set of spare clothing, diapers, and wipes at the Center each day.  If any of these items are missing, parents will be notified.  If after being notified, the required supplies are not brought in, the child(ren) will not be permitted to stay.

pink room (preschool)

Welcome to the Pink Room at Joy Childcare, where children are immersed in a variety of learning experiences as they continue to develop essential skills for future success!

Research has shown that a child’s first five years play an important role in their brain development.  These early years provide the best opportunity for building a solid foundation for their success in school and in life.  Our goal is to support each child in developing socially, emotionally, physically, in their language development, and in their thinking and problem solving skills.  To help foster this development, we use the Creative Curriculum® in creating lesson plans, classroom set-up, and performing assessments.


Outside of the classroom is a small bulletin board where you will find a copy of the weekly lesson plan, the classroom newsletter, the daily schedule, and the teacher’s hours.  Also located outside of the classroom is a dry erase board where the teacher writes down highlights from the day to share with the families.  Weather permitting, the children participate in outdoor experiences on a daily basis.  If the weather does not permit, the children participate in large motor activities in our Muscle Room, located indoors.


Pink Room: Supply List


  • Backpack or Reusable bag (non-plastic)
  • Weather appropriate spare clothing (shirt, pants, 2 pair of underwear, socks)***
  • Pillow and blanket for rest time
  • 4x6 family photo for our classroom tree
  • 1 container of wipes to be shared

*** Each child is required by state licensing to have a complete set of spare clothing at the Center each day.  If any items are missing, parents will be notified.  If after being notified, the required supplies are not brought in, the child(ren) will not be permitted to stay.

blue room (preschool)

Welcome to the Blue Room at Joy Childcare, where the daily activities, both group and individual, provide vital stepping stones on the path to Kindergarten readiness!

Research has shown that a child’s first five years play an important role in their brain development.  These early years provide the best opportunity for building a solid foundation for their success in school and in life.  Our goal is to support each child in developing socially, emotionally, physically, in their language development, and in their thinking and problem solving skills.  To help foster this development, we use the Creative Curriculum® in creating lesson plans, classroom set-up, and performing assessments.


Outside of the classroom is a small bulletin board where you will find a copy of the weekly lesson plan, the classroom newsletter, the daily schedule, and the teacher’s hours.  Also located outside of the classroom is a dry erase board where the teacher writes down highlights from the day to share with the families.  Weather permitting, the children participate in outdoor experiences on a daily basis.  If the weather does not permit, the children participate in large motor activities in our Muscle Room, located indoors.


Blue Room: Supply List


  • Backpack or Reusable bag (non-plastic)
  • Weather appropriate spare clothing (shirt, pants, 2 pair of underwear, socks)***
  • Pillow and blanket for rest time
  • 4x6 family photo for our classroom tree
  • 1 container of wipes to be shared

*** Each child is required by state licensing to have a complete set of spare clothing at the Center each day.  If any items are missing, parents will be notified.  If after being notified, the required supplies are not brought in, the child(ren) will not be permitted to stay

green room (preschool)

Welcome to the Green Room at Joy Childcare, where children build upon their prior knowledge and refine their skills in preparation for Kindergarten success! 

Research has shown that a child’s first five years play an important role in their brain development.  These early years provide the best opportunity for building a solid foundation for their success in school and in life.  Our goal is to support each child in developing socially, emotionally, physically, in their language development, and in their thinking and problem solving skills.  To help foster this development, we use the Creative Curriculum® in creating lesson plans, classroom set-up, and performing assessments.


Outside of the classroom is a small bulletin board where you will find a copy of the weekly lesson plan, the classroom newsletter, the daily schedule, and the teacher’s hours.  Also located outside of the classroom is a dry erase board where the teacher writes down highlights from the day to share with the families.  Weather permitting, the children participate in outdoor experiences on a daily basis.  If the weather does not permit, the children participate in large motor activities in our Muscle Room, located indoors.


Green Room: Supply List


  • Backpack or Reusable bag (non-plastic)
  • Weather appropriate spare clothing (shirt, pants, 2 pair of underwear, socks)***
  • Pillow and blanket for rest time
  • 4x6 family photo for our classroom tree
  • 1 container of wipes to be shared

*** Each child is required by state licensing to have a complete set of spare clothing at the Center each day.  If any items are missing, parents will be notified.  If after being notified, the required supplies are not brought in, the child(ren) will not be permitted to stay.